Sunday, April 25, 2010

a note from mommy

After seeing all the posts Lucio has written, I thought I better write something! I am not as verbose as he, so we'll see how long this gets...

It's Sunday and Belen and I are home while dad is working. Unfortunately he has to work most Sundays now, but at least he has some work. Belen is making all kinds of weird noises, but I'm pretty sure she is still sleeping. Oreo and Mocha are outside sunning themselves. I offered them a chance to come inside, but apparently they prefer sitting in the dirt catching some sun. It is a lovely day outside. If Oreo were better on the leash, I'd put Belen in the baby carrier and take them for a walk. Yesterday Lucio took them to the dog park and I took the baby over to walk around. I put her in the baby bjorn's nice and she seemed to like it. Mocha is a pretty good frisbee catcher except that she doesn't bring them back to you.

I have been back to work for 3 weeks now. The time has flown by. I went back to work while Belen was still in the NICU, which kinda stunk but was probably a good thing since I didn't have a chance to feel guilty about leaving her for work. And now that she's home, I still don't feel that guilty cause I know that Lucio is doing a great job taking care of her. In fact, I wonder if I could handle staying home all day taking care of her. Last weekend, when Lucio was at work and it was just me and the baby, I was getting a little frustrated, tired, lonely... I suppose if I were at home, we would figure out our routine and it would be alright.

School is ok. I'm grateful that I still have a student teacher (Marlaina) working with me to teach first period. That gives me time to do other work and then I teach 2nd and 4th periods. 2nd is great, 4th is crazy. And Marlaina is more than a student...she is capable of taking over the classes when I'm not there, which is what she did while I was out on leave. The best thing about school: we'll be done in about 6 weeks. =)

I am just starting to get used to this mommy thing. It's so weird...I'm a mom. yikes! I love my little Belen. I love to hold her and kiss her and feel her little fingers around one of mine. She is a cutie! Weighing in at 8 lb 1 oz as of Friday 4/23, she is quickly gaining. She eats a lot and consequently goes potty a lot. Last night she woke up about 2 am. I went to pick her up. When I sat back on the bed I felt something wet on her leg. Pee, I thought, but then I smelled my fingers and it was poo! Then I looked at my arm...a big poo glob! I woke up Lucio so he could wipe me off then I wiped Belen off, put a clean pj on her and fed her. She slept until about 5:30 and I fed her again.

We went to church for the first time altogether today. I had to go to the mommy room and change Belen-another big poop that almost leaked. Then I fed her. I listened to all the talks from in there.

When I put Belen to sleep around 12:30 this afternoon she had a full belly. When I went to check on her a few minutes later I found her belly contents all over the cradle mattress and on the floor. Projectile vomiting had occurred. I quickly picked her up and wiped her off 'cause her head had been sitting in that pool of nastiness. She was tired after that, but didn't want to sleep by herself, so she slept on my stomach/lap with the help of the boppy pillow (love that thing) while I slept too. Now that she's been in her bed for a while, she's starting to wake up and I'm gonna have to get off the computer.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the joys of motherhood - exploding poops and projectile vomiting. If you were home, yes, you would get lonely and stir-crazy...but that's when you go visit friends and go out to the store and do all that stuff. We love you guys!
